Thursday, July 2, 2009

Farewell, Sir Olin

My father, Charles Olin Wright, died on Monday, June 22nd. To my dismay, he never got to read my novel.

Dad was the one who instilled in me a love for reading. We were always reading novels. My interest in sci-fi and fantasy novels came from him, though his reading tastes were much broader.

Through his books I discovered dragonriders of Pern, Cave Bear Clans and all of Saberhagen's Swords.

He was very interested in my novel, always asking for updates while I was writing it, hoping I'd finish it before he lost his battle with all his physical ailments.

Last year, during the summer, he was bound to a hospital bed for a couple of months. At that time I gave him everything I had so far on my book because I didn't know if I'd ever finish it before we lost him. I handed him what I had, which proved to be about half of the final manuscript, and he devoured it in just a day or two. I made a big push and finished the book in February of this year.

I asked him then if he wanted to read the final manuscript or wait to read the published book. He opted for the latter and that day never came. Earlier this month I gave him the entire manuscript, but his health had taken its final turn and he was never in condition to read it.

It remained unopened on a shelf in his hospital room.

If he had just opened the front cover, he'd see the Dedication Page and discover the book was dedicated to him. Galen Griffon is the name of my main character and his father is named Sir Olin, taken from my own father's middle name.

In the book, Sir Olin was a knight in shining armor in service to the Church. I can think of no better description of my dad.

Here's hoping they have a great bookstore in Heaven.
Farewell, Sir Olin.


  1. I think I knew your father. Was he a student at Mercer University in Macon? I don't know what made me think of him except I have been trying to do a history for my sons and I thought of him. If he is the right Wright, we dated while he was a student for a short time. This Charles was from New Smyrna Beach, Florida. I'd love to know about your Mother and if you have any brothers or sisters and if your Dad did become a Minister of Music.

    You are so talented as was he if I have happened upon the son of a very special man. Please let me know if you have a moment.

  2. Carol,

    Thank you for the very kind words. You did indeed know my father.

    Was Dad a "Minister of Music"? No, not officially. But was he a minister of music? Yes, he was. He never lost his joy for expressing his love for God through his singing.
