Thursday, May 14, 2009

Three Acts in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Let's talk a little more about your basic three-act dramatic structure using an example most of us are probably very familiar with: the original Star Wars trilogy.

At its simplest, the three-act structure consists of:
I. Introduction
II. Complications
III. Resolution

The Star Wars movies are fun examples because everyone knows them and their structures are very obvious to anyone that cares to look for that sort of thing.

Let's look at Star Wars, the first movie, also known as A New Hope:
Act One takes place on Tatooine. We are introduced to all the key characters. Not only that, but right away- in the very first scene-- we see space ships, laser guns and robots. This establishes the kind of world the story will take place in, thereby setting the storytelling rules. This is vital. Because this is established early, then we don't blink an eye when a little while later we see strange alien creatures and a laser sword.

Imagine our reaction to a lightsaber thirty minutes into a movie like The Godfather or Beverly Hills Cop. It wouldn't work because of the storytelling rules set up at the beginning of the film. This is my main problem with Field of Dreams, which everyone else in the world seems to love. The supernatural element of the appearance of ghosts happens way, waay too far into the movie and there's been no establishment of those sort of "rules". To me, it's like Don Corleone using the Force. It doesn't work for me and, so, I hate the movie. I can't get into it.

Regardless, in A New Hope we not only firmly establish the milieu and genre, but we are introduced to all the key players while we are on Tatooine, the desert planet. The first Act ends in the climax of Luke, Ben and the droids escaping the planet with Han and Chewie on the Falcon. See how obvious that is? They leave the planet, end of Act One.

Act Two takes place on the Death Star as they seek to free Princess Leia. Again, it builds to a climatic scene in which Ben is killed by Darth Vader. This also functions as a "pinch fight", meaning it is a direct conflict with the main antagonist serving as a way to build tension toward the final Act's showdown. They leave the Death Star, end of Act Two.

Act Three is the trench battle around the Death Star. Of course it ends with the Death Star destroyed and the Good Guys win the day. But an important element in making this ending work is that it does involve a showdown with Darth Vader. Vader is established as the Main Bad Guy in the opening scenes of the movie, there is the "pinch fight" with Ben at the end of Act Two and therefore there must be a final showdown at the end of the movie. There must be, that's how it works.

Quickly: the other two movies. The Empire Strikes Back. Act One: Hoth. Act Two: Dagobah and Bespin. Act Three: Luke on Bespin.

The Star Wars movies are truly that simple in discerning the dramatic structure. In Return of the Jedi, Act One takes place on Tatooine, at Jabba's Palace. Act Two takes place on Dagobah and Endor. And Act Three is a rousing three-way climax between a spaceship dogfight battle, a ground battle on Endor and Luke's lightsaber fight with Vader.

But what I like even more about the trilogy is that you can "zoom out" so to speak and see all three movies as telling a single Three Act story, each movie serving as one Act in the play.

A New Hope: Introduction
The Empire Strikes Back: Complications
The Return of the Jedi: Resolution.

I hope to follow this pattern, to some extent, with my novels. Each book needs to stand on its own, structurally, but also I want the three novels together to serve a larger Three Act story.

A couple of more items: the final act's resolution needs to be true to your theme. The theme in Star Wars is one of redemption. When Darth Vader finally overcomes his evil ways and throws the Emperor to his death, he is redeemed. That final showdown is resolved in a way that deals directly with the idea of redemption.

Also, I believe a story is better served when there is not only an external conflict (the Empire versus the Rebellion) but an internal one as well (a belief that there is still good in Anakin). It is the internal conflict that often makes the main hero more relatable to the audience. The final act's resolution should address both of these. Again, this is something I hope to accomplish with my books.

Monday, May 11, 2009

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

"Ryan was nearly killed twice in half an hour."

Those were the very first words by Tom Clancy I ever read. I had picked up a novel called Patriot Games and said I'll read the first page and if I like it, then I'll buy it. I only had to read that first line. My reaction: "Yep. I'll take this one!"

I love it when a book throws you right into the action at the very beginning. I do this with My Brother's Keeper. After a cryptic, foreshadowing prologue, readers are introduced to Galen smack in the middle of a sword fight. I like it. I think it works.

Now I began writing the follow-up novel but I ran into a problem: I didn't have that kind of strong opening for Galen this time around. The book opens with a couple of intriguing bits of action involving other characters in the prologue, but as I opened up Chapter One with Galen I didn't have anything real strong.

I considered revising the ending of the first book so that I could start Book 2 in a more interesting place. But that would have hurt the first book's ending. That ending needs to be what it is, structurally speaking.

By that, I mean each book in the series corresponds to an Act, so that the trilogy will ultimately tell a single Three Act Story. I want the first book to end at the end of Act One. It needs to. Anything else will be anti-climatic and take away from the sense of resolution I've been able to give the book.

So what did I do?

Well, perhaps unwisely, I just plowed ahead and wrote the opening Galen scene with what I had planned. Meaning, no real action, just a quiet little scene with dialogue introducing a couple of the characters. I didn't like it as much as I liked Galen's opening in the first book, but what could I do? My story is what it is.


Yeah, that's what I thought. So this past week I spent a few days on business in Baltimore and I was able to write the full first chapter of the second book (which will be entitled Marching As To War). I was happy that I actually made progress on the book, something I haven't done in a couple of months.

But then I expressed my misgivings about the opening with my buddy Sam McDavid. And wouldn't you know it? Sam gave me some great suggestions that will solve the problem. So thanks a lot, Sam, for making me throw out everything I managed to accomplish in Baltimore. I'm back to just the prologue and now I have to start all over again. Great pal.

But seriously, I know what Sam and I came up with for the revised opening is a great improvement so I know I'll use it, even though it creates a couple of problems I'll need to iron out. So I'd like to report that I got some writing on Marching As To War done this past week, but that meager step forward has a date with my Delete key. I'll take two steps back and make sure I nail an opening that will grab readers from the very beginning.

"Galen was nearly killed twice in half an hour." Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?